Back in Business rate support scheme - applications now open

News article

Back in Business scheme offers businesses a 50% rates discount for up to two years if they occupy a vacant shop unit.

The Back in Business scheme offers 50% rate relief for up to two years when unoccupied premises become occupied. The concession applies to any business ratepayer who moves into premises, which were previously used for retail purposes and have been unoccupied for 12 months or more.

Through the scheme, businesses will have certainty over their rates bill for two years should they continue to meet the criteria.


To benefit from the scheme you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • you have begun occupation of business premises on or after 1 April 2024
  • the business premises you or your tenant now occupy were previously vacant for a minimum of 12 months prior to the date you occupied the property
  • the business premises were previously valued for rates and used for retail purposes, or;
  • if premises were never occupied you may still be entitled if the premises could reasonably have been used for retail purposes.

“Retail purposes” means the retail provision of goods or services to members of the public who visit the property.

How to apply

To apply, you need to complete an online form. The owner or occupier of the applicant business premises must apply.

The scheme is open to applications until Monday 31 March 2025.

For full details and how to apply, see Back in Business rate support.

First published 15 May 2024