Starting a company or partnership

Please note: Companies House guidance can be found on the GOV.UK website. We provide links to the key information below.

Register a company

Register a private limited company online
Private company limited by shares - register a company online using model (standard) articles of association, incorporation fees and how long it takes

Use a formation agent to register your company
A list of company formation agents and company secretarial agents you can use to incorporate your company

Set up a private limited company
Incorporate a private limited company - register it with Companies House and rules on directors, shares, articles of association and telling HMRC about the company

Set up a limited company: step-by-step
How to set up a limited company, appoint directors and shareholders or guarantors, and register for tax.

Set up and run a flat management company
How to set up a flat management company to manage property on residents' behalf and what you must do to run it legally

Naming a company

Choosing a name for your company, partnership or business
What you can name your business if you run a private limited company, limited partnership, business partnership, limited liability partnership or a self-employed sole trader

Incorporation and names
Sets out the main requirements for incorporating a company in the UK

Standard templates

Model articles of association for limited companies
Types of model articles of association a limited company can have, including older versions of Table A from previous company legislation

Memorandum of association templates for limited companies
Templates for giving notice of subscribers to incorporate a limited company with or without share capital


Set up and run a limited liability partnership (LLP)
Set up and run a limited liability partnership (LLP) - choose a registered name and address, register with Companies House, members' and designated members' responsibilities, changes you must report

Limited liability partnership incorporation and names
Sets out the main requirements for incorporating a limited liability partnership (LLP) in the UK

Set up and run a limited partnership
How to set up a limited partnership - choose a name, appoint general and limited partners, register with Companies House, changes you must report

Limited partnership act
What you need to do to register a limited partnership