Classifying your goods
Tariffs on goods imported into the UK
How to check the tariff rates that apply to goods you import.
Finding commodity codes for imports into or exports out of the UK
How to use the Trade Tariff tool or get help to classify your goods, so you pay the right amount of Customs Duty and import VAT
Check your goods meet the rules of origin
Rules to establish the country of origin of imported and exported goods and to help identify those which qualify for lower or nil Customs Duty.
Get proof of origin for your goods
Prove the origin of your goods if you’re trading with a country that has a trade agreement with the UK, or is covered by the Developing Countries Trading Scheme.
Apply for a Binding Tariff Information decision
Find out how to get a legally binding decision on the commodity code to use when importing into or exporting from Northern Ireland or EU from 1 January 2021
Apply for a Binding Origin Information decision
If you import into or export from Northern Ireland you can get a decision on the origin of your goods.
Check what you'll need to get a legally binding decision on a commodity code
Find out what you'll need to get a legally binding decision on the commodity code to use when importing or exporting your goods that will be valid from 1 January 2021
Trade Tariff: look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates
Use the Trade Tariff to look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates.
Check if you need to pay a tariff on goods brought into Northern Ireland from Great Britain
Tool which can help your business check if a tariff needs to be paid on goods brought from GB into NI.
Classifying specific goods
Help and guidance on how to classify goods