Reducing business waste
Duty of care for business waste
Rules to follow when managing your business waste to protect the environment, human health and your business reputation.
Introduction to waste management
Waste management obligations when running a business and where to find support for waste management issues.
Reduce your business waste to save money
Your options for reducing and dealing with business waste and the benefits of choosing more sustainable practices.
Dispose of your waste
How to cut the amount of waste your business sends to landfill and how to limit the financial costs of waste disposal.
The Carrier Bag Levy
A Carrier Bag Levy for each new carrier bag applies to most retail transactions in Northern Ireland.
Deposit return schemes
An overview of schemes which provide a financial incentive for consumers to return drinks containers for recycling.
Waste reviews, policies and action plans
Good waste policies and action plans built on waste reviews can help your business manage waste effectively.
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
How the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations affect producers, distributors and users
Animal by-products and food waste
Complying with the animal by-products regulations - how to deal with animal bodies, animal parts and food waste.