Transporting your goods
How to move goods by sea
Key documents needed to transport goods by sea, and information on freight and different vessels used in shipping.
How to move goods by air
How to comply with requirements for customs and the key documents you'll need to transport goods by air.
How to move goods by rail
An overview of the rules for moving goods by rail and the key documents needed to transport your goods on the railways.
Create a goods movement reference
Get a goods movement reference to move goods through locations which use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service.
Register for the Goods Vehicle Movement Service
If you're a haulier and move goods through a port in the UK that uses the Goods Vehicle Movement Service you'll need to register for the service to get your goods through customs.
Taking commercial goods out of Northern Ireland in your baggage
Check what you need to do when exporting commercial goods from Northern Ireland in your accompanied baggage to outside the EU
Bringing commercial goods into Northern Ireland in your baggage
Find out what you need to do when bringing commercial goods into Northern Ireland in your accompanied baggage from Great Britain or from outside the EU
Check how to move goods through ports that use the Goods Vehicle Movement Service
If you're a trader, haulier or carrier and use a UK port using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service, find out what you need to do to get goods through customs.
Transporting your goods
Find out the transport options for moving your goods