How to reuse wasted resources in your business



The traditional way to get rid of wasted resources is to use a landfill site. Costs associated with such practices continue to rise as stricter regulations and controls are applied to limit the environmental impact of landfill. Rising disposal costs are an encouragement to develop more cost-effective resource management solutions.

Reviewing every aspect of resource management from design and sourcing of materials and supplies to waste management solutions will ensure that opportunities to reduce costs are identified.

This guide provides information on how businesses in Northern Ireland can use unwanted waste to boost profits. There are innovative ways to reuse business waste to your advantage, from designing for reuse to finding other businesses which can turn your wasted resources into their own raw production materials.

It will help you decide what the options are for your business. It will also help you assess the costs and benefits to your business and highlight the issues you will need to consider.

  • Invest NI Resource Matching service
    0800 181 4422