Shape the future of transport in the North West

News article

Views sought on preparing a new Transport Plan for the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) is working with Derry City and Strabane District Council and others across the North West region to begin drafting proposals for the North West Transport Plan 2035 (NWTP). Everyone is encouraged to share their views at this early stage in the process.

Meeting Northern Ireland's climate commitments means thinking carefully about how we travel. By considering what journeys we can make by walking, cycling or using public transport, we can seek to reduce emissions and help tackle climate change.

This NWTP will cover local transport issues, including active travel, public transport, the local road network, and parking. DfI is encouraging you to have your say at this early stage by helping shape the Vision and Objectives, and by identifying local transport concerns. This stage aims to create a plan that will deliver real change to everyday journeys within the North West, to make it a better place to live, work and study, as well as reducing emissions and improving air quality.

An online survey seeks views on a range of current transport challenges and the opportunities to improve the sustainability of the local transport system by supporting people to choose the most sustainable mode of travel for their journey. Several public drop-in sessions will be held in the local area in late September.

Find out more about the NWTP and how to complete the online survey.

The online survey will remain open until Tuesday 5 November 2024.

First published 28 August 2024