Water and sewerage charges for businesses



Water and sewerage services used by businesses in Northern Ireland are charged directly by Northern Ireland Water (NI Water). If you have a water meter, the amount you are charged will be based on how much water your business uses. If you don't have a water meter, your charges will be based on the rateable value of your property. The tariffs that apply and the allowances available are published by NI Water annually.

Trade effluent charges

If you produce trade effluent, ie wastewater other than domestic sewage, you must get permission from NI Water. You may need to pay extra on top of your sewerage bills.

By reducing the amount of water that your business uses you can lower your water, sewerage, and trade effluent bills. You will also help reduce the impact that your business has on the environment.

This guide provides information on the water charges for businesses, sewerage charges for businesses and trade effluent charges. There is also guidance on how to understand your water and wastewater bills and how businesses can reduce water, sewerage and trade effluent costs.