Small Business Rate Relief


Rate relief for a property used by a small business.

Eligibility criteria:

Eligibility for the SBRR is based on the Net Annual Value (NAV) of your business property.

There are three levels of SBRR:

  • business properties with a NAV of £2,000 or less will receive a reduction of 50% relief
  • business properties with a NAV of more than £2,000 but not more than £5,000 will receive 25% relief
  • business properties with a NAV of more than £5,000 but not more than £15,000 will receive a 20% relief

Exclusions for SBRR
The following exclusions apply in relation to the SBRR scheme:

  • unoccupied properties
  • partially unoccupied properties
  • Automatic Telling Machines (ATMs)
  • property used for the display of advertisements
  • car parks
  • sewage works
  • telecommunications masts
  • government buildings
  • contiguous properties
  • multiple properties (more than three)
  • sports and recreational relief
  • freight and transport relief
  • industrial derating

Further information
For full details, see Small Business Rate Relief.

Support organisation:
  • Land & Property Services (LPS)
  • Department of Finance (DoF)
Land & Property Services
0300 200 7801
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