AccessNI criminal records checks

AccessNI checks for overseas applicants


AccessNI cannot normally access criminal records held in other countries (with the exception of 15 EU countries), but it is possible to submit an application while the applicant is overseas. In a small number of cases overseas criminal records are held on the Police National Computer and these would be revealed as part of an AccessNI check. You must still verify the identity of an overseas applicant.

As AccessNI cannot access criminal records from other countries, an AccessNI check may not provide a complete picture of an individual's criminal record.

How to check overseas applicants

If you are recruiting people from overseas and wish to check their overseas criminal record, you should contact the embassy or High Commission of the country in question.

You can also contact the FCO Response Centre Helpline on Tel 020 7008 1500.

If the foreign check needs translating, the embassy of the country concerned may be able to help.

AccessNI is not involved in the processing of applications made by individuals to overseas authorities and will not be responsible for the contents or the length of time taken for information to be returned.

Criminal records checks for overseas applicants.

Certificates of good conduct

You can try to obtain a certificate of good conduct and any other references from potential overseas employees. The standard of foreign police checks varies. To find out the standard, you should contact either the authorities in a particular country, or their embassy.

Either you or the employee should obtain a certified translation of the certificate of good conduct. AccessNI does not offer a translation service.

Checking an applicant's right to work in the UK

AccessNI does not check whether an applicant is permitted to work in the UK. The employer is responsible for ensuring employees have the right to work within the UK.

The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure

The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) provides protective security advice. This is for companies and organisations that deliver the UK's essential services.

How to obtain an overseas criminal records checks (PDF, 16.1MB).