Use innovation to start or grow your business
Bringing a new product to market - Reynolds Hurling (video)
Case Study
Spurred by the onset of ash dieback disease, which is decimating ash trees across Europe, Barry Reynolds of Reynolds Hurling has created a revolutionary new hurl.
Rather than using wood, his synthetic version uses composite materials previously pioneered in the aerospace industry, but boasts the same functionality and performance as the classic stick.
This case study explores how Barry spotted a market opportunity for a new, innovative product. It describes his approach to innovation, including how he researched, tested and developed his prototype before placing it on the market. It also highlights some of the support and funding he accessed along the way.
Case Study

Barry Reynolds
Reynolds Hurling
Barry's top tips:
- "Consider finance. Make sure that the market needs your product and that you can afford to make it."
- "Get the right partner to help you research and develop your product."
- "Decide how you will commercialise your product. Everything is about sales at the end of the day."