Property changes and business rates

Business rates: moving to new or additional property


If you are planning to buy or rent new business premises, you may want to know how much you are likely to pay in business rates before you move. The first step is to find out from Land & Property Services (LPS) what the rateable value of the property is.

Newly built property

If the business premises is a new build property or has not yet been completed, the rateable value may not have been assessed yet. For advice and assistance, you should contact your nearest LPS Valuation office.

The business rates you will pay are calculated using the rateable value and the current regional rate plus the relevant district council rate. See how business rates are calculated.

When you move in or following the receipt of a completion notice, you become liable for the business rates on the new property. You should contact your local rating office so that they can charge you the correct amount. You should also tell the rating service about any property or properties you are leaving so that they can stop charging you business rates for them.

The building of new business premises will generally require an application for planning permission. See guidance on planning permission.

Queries on your business rates

If you have a query regarding your business rates you should contact Land & Property Services.