Review and improve your environmental management system (EMS)

Carry out an EMS management review


A management review is the final element of the environmental management system (EMS) process. It involves a formal evaluation of the adequacy of your business' EMS - taking into account any new environmental issues, legislation, changing circumstances and continual improvement.

Management review meetings should be attended by individuals with either executive or specialist responsibility, for example:

  • the site director
  • the management representative
  • line managers with specific environmental responsibilities

In these meetings, the management representative should give the results of any recent audits to senior management and present a written report detailing audit findings.

The management review should cover:

  • environmental performance and progress in achieving objectives and targets
  • compliance with legislation
  • results of internal audits and reports
  • actions required as a result of non-conformances
  • new processes and any changes to known environmental issues
  • any changes in circumstances - for example changes in legislation or new technology
  • the effectiveness of training
  • the need for any revisions to your environmental policy, objectives and targets
  • follow-up actions from previous management reviews
  • recommendations for improvement

The management review meetings are a vital part of your business' EMS as they show commitment at the highest level - allowing those with authority and specialist knowledge to put forward ideas and solutions to problems. They should be minuted and you must ensure that any agreed actions are carried out.