Running a limited company

Confirmation statement (previously annual return)


You need to check that the information Companies House has about your limited company is correct every year. This is called a confirmation statement (previously an annual return).

Check your company's details

You need to check the following:

Check the Companies House register.

Send your confirmation statement

Send your confirmation statement online or by post. It costs £13 to file your confirmation statement online, and £40 by post.

If you need to report changes

You can report changes to your statement of capital, shareholder information and SIC codes at the same time.

You can't use the confirmation statement to report changes to your company's officers, registered office address or the address where you keep your records - file those changes separately.

When it's due

You'll get an email alert or a reminder letter to your company's registered office when your confirmation statement is due.

The due date is usually a year after either:

  • the date your company incorporated
  • the date you filed your last annual return or confirmation statement

You can file your confirmation statement up to 14 days after the due date.

You can be fined up to £5,000 and your company may be struck off if you don't send your confirmation statement.