Complain against an insolvency practitioner or the Insolvency Service

Directory of authorised professional bodies


There are five professional bodies who can authorise insolvency practitioners (IPs), including:

  1. The Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) is a membership body for those in insolvency practice who promote and maintain performance standards and professional conduct levels for those involved in the insolvency sector. Read about the work and services of the IPA.
  2. Institute of Chartered Accountants Ireland is a professional body of accountants that oversees the professional conduct of accountants in Ireland. Find information about Chartered Accountants Ireland.
  3. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) is a professional body of accountants that oversees the professional conduct of accountants in England & Wales. Find out more about ICAEW.
  4. Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland (ICAS) is a professional body of accountants that oversees the professional conduct of accountants in Scotland. Find out more about ICAS.
  5. Complaints about Solicitor Insolvency Practitioners in Northern Ireland are handled by the Law Society of Northern Ireland. They provide a free and independent service for people dissatisfied with their representatives' services. Find out how to complain about a solicitor.

The Law Society of Northern Ireland investigates complaints about Solicitor Insolvency Practitioners in Northern Ireland. You can contact the Law Society of Northern Ireland on Tel 028 9023 1614.