Tender for a contract
Editing your tender
It is well worth spending some time looking at the presentation of your tender. Here are some tips on editing and supplying your tender:
- Keep sentences and paragraphs short, punchy and business-like.
- Use bullet points and headings to break up text.
- Decide on a typeface, layout and type size - not too small - and stick to them.
- Make sure everything is consistent. Are CVs all presented in the same way?
- Be careful when cutting and pasting text to make sure the format stays the same.
- Make sure you have developed a logical argument.
- Read everything again. Then get a colleague to read it - checking for meaning, typing mistakes and omissions.
- Use appendices for supporting additional information.
- Produce a front cover with the project title, date, name of the organisation requesting the tender and that of your own firm.
- Number paragraphs and provide a contents page so material can be easily found.
- Consider getting it printed and bound professionally - if the client has asked for hard copies rather than submission via email.
Above all, make sure the tender is delivered on time - it is unlikely that organisations will consider your tender if it arrives after the closing date. You may want to deliver it yourself, by hand, to ensure it arrives safely, or by courier for secure delivery. Alternatively, contact the organisation to check they have received it.
If the tender is for a public sector contract, then you will be uploading and submitting the tender online. Leave plenty of time to ensure your bid is fully submitted before the deadline. Most tendering portals have a telephone helpdesk to contact if there are any problems.
Check you have provided enough detail for each of the award criteria, and there are no spelling mistakes. If you are using the eTendersNI portal, then you can edit and re-submit the tender as many times as required, up to the tender deadline.
Invest NI Tender Alert Service028 9069 8134