Marketing your business in Europe

Establish marketing contacts in Europe


UK small businesses often develop by word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or family. One problem that many small businesses face when starting in another country is building this reputation. If you are moving into a new country, this network may not exist.

In any new market, you will need to work with your early customers to build up the same trust as you already have in the UK. Make sure that your business is easy for customers to approach. Also, offer them an easy way to leave feedback.

Also, try to identify brand advocate that may represent your brand. For example, if someone writes a blog about the good service they received from your company, you could respond with a comment of your own or offer readers an incentive also to try your service..

Partners and resellers

If your business sells well-known products or services, it may be wise to find local partners.

This can be an advantage as they will have local knowledge and a pre-existing distribution network. Typically they will take a commission from any sales - which means you have no upfront costs.

It can also assist with marketing your business, as your partner will have already built up trust with their customers. This can help introduce people to your products or services through a familiar channel.

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