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Gender balance in STEM businesses


In Northern Ireland, there is an ongoing gender gap in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) industries.

The Equality Commission is working with the Department for the Economy (DfE) and the STEM Business Group to address this gender imbalance.

Benefits of promoting gender balance

Promoting diversity and enhancing the advancement of women can bring many benefits to your business including:

  • a solution to skills shortages
  • access to a broader base of talent
  • increased innovation potential
  • stronger financial performance

How you can improve gender balance

There are a number of ways that you can improve gender balance in your business.

If you are able to offer a placement or apprenticeship to a young person, they will gain important skills and improve the knowledge of their industry. Read more on providing work experience opportunities and training and development programmes.

In addition, you could sign up to the STEM Charter, which enables STEM businesses to demonstrate their commitment to equality of opportunity for women in employment.

You could also join the STEM Employers Equality Network, which brings employers together to discuss common employment issues, share good practice and identify challenges.

Read guidance from the Equality Commission about these STEM initiatives.

Case study

See how Belfast-based business Exploristics Ltd has addressed gender imbalance in the STEM industry.