Ensure lone workers' safety

Health and safety responsibilities of lone workers


As an employer it is your duty to protect the health and safety of lone workers.

However, lone workers - including self-employed ones - also have a responsibility to:

  • take reasonable care to look after their own health and safety
  • safeguard the health and safety of other people affected by their work
  • co-operate with their employer's health and safety procedures
  • use tools and other equipment properly, according to relevant safety instructions and any training they have been given
  • not misuse equipment provided for their health and safety

It's also crucial that lone workers report any accidents, injuries, near misses and other dangerous occurrences. This information can help you conduct your health and safety risk assessment

Bear in mind that if you are self-employed and you engage a lone worker, you have health and safety responsibilities towards that person. They will have the various responsibilities listed above.

Security responsibilities

If one of your workers works remotely they still have the same responsibilities for information security. They must still:

  • back up their information
  • keep backups safe
  • ensure that equipment and software is up to date
  • make sure people cannot read, overhear or steal their information