Importing and exporting plants and plant products

Importing plants from countries within the EU


If you import certain tree and woody plant species from EU countries and Switzerland to Northern Ireland there are certain notification requirements you must make.

There is a notification requirement for certain tree species and woody plant species imported directly from countries within the European Union.

These are tree species within the genera of:

  • Castanea (Sweet Chestnut)
  • Fraxinus (Ash)
  • Pinus (Pine)
  • Platanus (Plane)
  • Prunus (e.g. Cherry, Plum, Laurel)
  • Quercus (Oak)
  • Ulmus (Elm)
  • Olea (Olive) 

This requirement also applies to imports from Switzerland, but not to relevant plants grown in Great Britain.

It is important to note that Northern Ireland has Protected Zone status for certain pests and diseases associated with many of these genera and relevant passporting requirements apply.

Landings of plants for planting of the relevant genera must be notified to DAERA prior to or up to four days after landing in Northern Ireland.