Making the case for environmental improvements

Maintain communication about environmental improvements


No matter how good your environmental improvement plans are, they will compete for attention with many other tasks. Make sure you keep them fresh in everyone's minds and keep the lines of communication open.

Regular updates on environmental improvements

Even the best-planned initiatives can tail off without fruitful communication. How you communicate may depend on the nature of the initiative and how many people you need to keep informed. You might consider:

  • organising regular meetings that are open to all - these can be good for planning and to encourage everyone to input ideas
  • using a regular slot in general staff briefings and newsletters for quick reminders and updates
  • informal communication with the staff champion and any other project leaders

Training for environmental improvements

You could encourage staff champions and others to take up relevant training opportunities to improve their knowledge and contribute more effectively to your environmental initiative. This could form part of their personal development.

You may be able to arrange for someone to shadow the environmental representative of another organisation who has relevant expertise, or share best practice with others involved in the same work.

Induction awareness of environmental improvements

Ensure that your environmental improvements are included where applicable in induction for new staff members - so that they know how to take part, and that their input will be welcome and valued.

When you look for new staff, you could highlight your environmental credentials and try to recruit people who share the same environmental ideas. This can help you employ staff who are motivated.