Social media best practice for business
Managing social media in our business - The MAC (video)
Case Study
The MAC (Metropolitan Arts Centre) is Belfast's newest arts venue. Ciaran Corr, Media and Communications Officer from The MAC, talks about how social media is managed in their business.
The MAC has four social media channels, which they use to communicate with different audience groups. Ciaran explains how they do this. He also highlights how the MAC recruits staff through social media, and discusses how they developed social media policy/guidelines to match their brand.
Case Study

Ciaran Corr
the mac
Ciaran's top tips:
- "Do your research so you can match your channels with your audience"
- "Have fun – social media can be daunting until you find your voice but you don’t find your voice until you make a few mistakes"
- "Analyse - if you’re not actively looking at what works then you’ll never understand how best to approach social media moving forward"
- "Get buy-in from employees - it is vital for sharing content as well as spotting things and feeding back"