Employing migrant workers in Northern Ireland
Recruiting and supporting migrant workers - Avondale Foods (video)
Case Study
Avondale Foods, based in Lurgan Co. Armagh, is one of the UK's leading manufacturers and suppliers of coleslaw, wet salads, side salads, vegetable accompaniments, soups, sauces, and mayonnaise to retail and food-service customers throughout Britain and Ireland under their Country Kitchen brand name. Their clients include Waitrose, Marks and Spencer, Sainsbury, Tesco and Asda.
Avondale Foods employs a large number of migrant workers who make up around 60% of their workforce. Here, Mia McKeown, the Human Resources Manager, explains how Avondale Foods recruits fairly, highlights how they support their migrant workers, and outlines the legal considerations for employers.
Case Study

Mia McKeown
avondale foods
Mia's top tips:
- "Understand the cultural differences and celebrate the cultural differences."
- "Value your workers' skills and contribution."
- "Support your staff with personal growth and professional development."