Retail business resource efficiency

Reduce water use in your retail business


Water is a precious commodity that is often taken for granted by many retail businesses. However, making even small changes to your business can save water and reduce your costs. Fitting simple water-saving devices in washrooms or toilets can reduce water use by up to 40 per cent.

The actions your business can take to reduce its water use could include:

  • taking regular and accurate meter readings to track your overall water use
  • detecting leaks and overflows within your business
  • ensuring key members of staff know how to isolate your water supply
  • assessing water pressure as high pressure can result in excessive water use and cause leaks
  • fitting a quarter-turn isolation valve to regulate water flow
  • reducing heat loss or gain by not running hot and cold pipes close together
  • reducing the amount of water used for cleaning and rinsing
  • making a commitment to use less water as part of your business' environmental policy
  • setting targets to reduce water use

There are a number of simple and cost-effective technologies that you can use to reduce water use in your business. These devices include:

  • cistern volume adjusters and low-volume flush cisterns
  • proximity sensors fitted in urinals
  • hand detectors on taps
  • rainwater collection
  • sub-metering on individual washrooms to analyse use

For more information, see water reviews, policies and action plans and save water at commercial premises.