Setting up a construction material logistics plan

Review your construction material logistics plan


The final stage of the material logistics plan (MLP) process is to review your plan and learn lessons for future construction projects.

You should review the MLP at key stages in the project. You should also ensure that periodic reviews of the key performance indicators (KPIs) are completed, so that you can identify areas for improvement at an early stage. At the end of the construction project, the MLP and periodic reviews will be able to provide an accurate record of how effectively materials were managed on the site and how well the project performed against the KPIs.

Your review should answer the following questions:

  • Were KPI targets exceeded and if not why not?
  • Is there an opportunity to improve performance of the KPIs for future projects?
  • Did setting KPIs or objectives have any negative impacts on the project? If so, how could these be minimised while still retaining the principles behind the KPIs or objectives?
  • What could you change to make the MLP easier to use or more effective for future projects?
  • Did all subcontractors participate in the MLP?
  • How could the participation of subcontractors be increased in future projects?
  • What additional information was required for the MLP and should this have been requested earlier?
  • Could the project have further reduced the total amount of materials that resulted in waste and how could this be achieved on future projects?

The review will be able to provide value in the design and delivery of future construction projects. If possible, a summary or findings report should be written and distributed to everyone that contributed to the project. This summary report should identify a list of recommendations and identify the benefits of the MLP, how it impacted on the cost of the project and how it benefits the environment.