First aid, accidents and illness in the workplace

RIDDOR: Reporting an incident


As an employer, a person who is self-employed, or someone in control of work premises, you have a legal duty to report and record some work-related accidents as soon as possible. The law is called the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, known as RIDDOR.

If there is an accident connected with work, and someone is injured or killed you must notify the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) or your local council without delay. Within ten days this must be followed up with a completed accident report form. This applies whether the person affected is an employee, self-employed person or member of the public. 

What does RIDDOR apply to?

You must report the following incidents, whether they involve your employees or members of the public:

  • deaths
  • major injuries
  • over-three-day injuries - where an employee or self-employed person is away from work or unable to work as normal for more than three days in a row (this doesn't include the day of the accident, but does include weekends and holidays)
  • injuries where the person is taken from the scene of an accident to hospital
  • some work-related diseases
  • dangerous occurrences - where something happens that does not result in an injury, but could have done

Gas Safe registered gas fitters must also report dangerous gas fittings they find. Gas conveyors/suppliers must report some flammable gas incidents.

RIDDOR applies to all work activities but not all incidents are reportable. If someone has had an accident in a work situation where you are in charge, and you are unsure whether to report it, just call the HSENI Helpline on Tel: 0800 032 0121.

How to report an incident

You can report an incident to the HSENI:

  • by calling the HSENI Helpline on Tel 0800 032 0121
  • using the online form - report an incident online
  • by writing to them at the following address - HSENI, 83 Ladas Drive, Belfast BT6 9FR

Information supplied to the HSENI in a RIDDOR report is not passed on to your insurance company. If you think your insurer needs to know about a work-related accident, injury, or case of ill health remember to contact them separately.

  • HSENI Helpline
    0800 032 0121
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  • hseni