Business-to-business sales contracts
Terms and conditions for IT and online contracts
There are specific contractual issues you need to be aware of when buying IT services or completing online contracts.
Contracts for IT services
A number of IT services have important intellectual property implications. When buying services such as IT consultancy, web design and website hosting, it's important that you have contracts drawn up clearly. This can ensure you keep any intellectual property rights that might benefit your business.
For example:
- if a third party registers a domain name on your behalf - eg an internet service provider - make sure it's registered in your name
- if you use a professional to design your website - make sure you hold the rights to any intellectual property in the design
- if you use an IT consultancy to build a proprietary software package - you should either take ownership of the package or pay a lower price if the developer retains ownership
You may need to incorporate other issues in your contracts for IT services, such as regular training and updates.
Online contracts
Make sure that you understand the terms and conditions and know exactly when the online contract is complete. Usually this won't be when your order is placed, but when you receive an email from the supplier confirming it.
Unless you agree otherwise with your online suppliers, they must make it clear to you the steps needed to complete the online contract and when the contract concludes.