How to move goods by rail
Transporting rail freight through the Channel Tunnel
The Channel Tunnel is the only link for moving goods by rail between the UK and continental Europe. Shippers transport goods through the tunnel on through-freight trains. These travel from UK terminals through the tunnel and into mainland Europe.
Customs clearance for goods that travel to or from non-European Union countries via the Channel Tunnel can be processed at the Folkestone terminal. You can read about transporting freight through the tunnel on the Eurotunnel website.
Transporting dangerous goods through the Channel Tunnel
The Channel Tunnel policy on transporting dangerous goods is based on the Europe-wide ADR set of rules, but it is somewhat stricter. Certain goods cannot be transported, including certain explosives - those with the UN number UN0330 - and the substance p-Nitrosodimethylaniline (UN1369).
You can read about transporting dangerous goods through the Channel Tunnel.
For more general information about transporting dangerous goods by rail, see transporting dangerous goods by rail.