Mobile marketing and m-commerce

What are mobile marketing and m-commerce?


Mobile marketing is a practice that allows your business to engage with your customers or target audience using a mobile device or network. Often mobile marketing refers simply to marketing on or with a mobile device such as smartphone or tablet. 

Types of mobile marketing

The four main mobile marketing tools used are:

  • mobile-friendly web sites
  • mobile advertising
  • SMS or MMS messages
  • mobile applications or 'apps', included instant messaging platforms 

With mobile friendly marketing, you can use many of the features of standard internet marketing to connect with potential customers such as: 

  • text
  • images
  • audio
  • recorded video
  • streaming video

You can also use Bluetooth - wireless technology with a short range - to communicate with potential customers as they pass billboards or kiosks. Bluetooth is free to use as there is no airtime charge. However, it must be used correctly; otherwise, it can be considered spam, which is illegal. Using Bluetooth for marketing is also known as beacon or proximity marketing. WiFi can also be used for proximity marketing in a similar way.

What is m-commerce?

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) allows your customers to complete online transactions using mobile devices. You can use m-commerce as part of your marketing strategy and to interact with potential customers. 

To successfully use m-commerce, your business will need to offer a quick and easy online shopping experience for consumers. This could be  personalised shopping with products and discounts based on individual customer preference and previous online activity.