Patents explained: How to protect your idea

What is a patent and how does it work?


A patent is a legal right that protects your invention, giving you exclusive control over how you use it. In the UK, a patent can last up to 20 years from the filing date, provided you pay the annual renewal fees.

Understanding patent rights

A patent can:

  • prevent others from using, making, selling, or importing your invention without permission
  • allow you to license your invention to others, earning royalties
  • provide legal protection, which can help attract investors

These rights are time-bound and territorial, meaning they apply only in the country (or countries) where the patent is granted.

What can be patented in the UK?

To qualify for a patent, your invention must satisfy UK patent application guidelines. It must be:

  • new - it can't have been made public before
  • inventive - it must involve more than just an obvious improvement
  • industrially applicable - it must be usable in a specific industry

Examples include novel products, industrial processes, or equipment that solves a specific problem. Check if you can patent an idea or a product.

Limitations of patents

Patents are not automatic rights. You must apply for them, and you will only receive them if your invention meets strict eligibility criteria. Things like artistic works, discoveries, or methods of doing business are not eligible.

Patents can also be costly to obtain and maintain. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of patents to understand the potential costs and benefits.

Keep in mind also that, as territorial rights, UK-registered patents protect your invention only within the UK. If you need protection abroad, explore international patent options.

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