Tender for public sector contracts in Great Britain and Ireland

Where to find out about tender opportunities in Great Britain and Ireland


Many public sector organisations - particularly local authorities - have approved lists of potential suppliers to tender for contracts below the EU limit. They must review these regularly to include new suppliers and check current suppliers are providing value for money.

There are also a number of websites you may wish to visit to expand your search to public sector opportunities outside of Northern Ireland.

UK wide opportunities

Opportunities in England

The key website for public sector tender opportunities in England is the Contracts Finder which advertises central government contracts over £10,000 in value.

Local authorities in England are organised by region, each with a tendering portal:

In addition, many universities and further education colleges have formed purchasing consortiums, with online tendering portals:

For public and private sector tender opportunities linked to capital projects in England (including buyers such as Transport for London, Crossrail and the Metropolitan Police Service) see CompeteFor.

For tender opportunities with police and fire and rescue services in England and Wales, see Bluelight.

Opportunities in Ireland

For all public sector tender opportunities (both central and local government) in the Republic of Ireland visit eTenders.

The Office of Government Procurement is a useful source to gather information on supplying to the government.

Opportunities in Scotland

For all public sector tender opportunities (both central and local government) in Scotland visit Public Contracts Scotland.

Opportunities in Wales

For all public sector tender opportunities (both central and local government) in Wales visit Sell 2 Wales.

Commercial outlets

There are a number of organisations which charge a small fee to access a wide range of public sector tendering portals and search for contracts on your behalf.