How to use freight forwarding



The freight forwarding industry can provide a range of key services to traders, taking over on your behalf many of the responsibilities involved in transporting your goods around the world as quickly, securely and affordably as possible.

As well as arranging the transport of your goods - by air, sea, rail or road - freight forwarders provide other services such as customs clearance, export documentation and insurance. They offer distribution, warehousing, packaging and other supply chain services. Most forwarders will handle parts of the process for you, or can offer control of the entire transport process. Many transport and logistics operators also offer freight forwarding services.

This guide outlines the how freight forwarders can help traders. It explains the roles of forwarders, customs agents and brokers, a look at the advantages and disadvantages of using a freight transporter, and lists the key things to look for when hiring a freight forwarder.