How to develop an equality plan
In this guide:
- Implement an equality plan
- What is an equality plan?
- Advantages of workplace equality plans
- How to develop an equality plan
- Equality monitoring and review of your business
- Get help to review your equality-related workplace policies
- Creating and updating workplace policies to focus on diversity and inclusion - Greiner Packaging Ltd
What is an equality plan?
Your equality plan allows you to integrate equality into your performance management system and corporate planning processes.
An equality plan outlines how your company's equality and diversity policy will be implemented.
Your equality and diversity policy should explain your business' stance on diversity and set out the legal rights and obligations of your staff. It is your promise to treat all employees, and potential employees, fairly and considerately.
See equality and diversity workplace policies.
Your equality plan allows you to integrate equality into your performance management system, quality initiatives, and corporate planning processes.
You may draft an equality plan that focuses on one particular protected equality ground (such as racial group, sex, or disability) or, alternatively, on two or more grounds, or, to take a fully integrated approach, on all of the protected equality grounds.
Equality plan templates
The Equality Commission has published two template equality plans that may assist you in drafting your own:
- racial equality plan template (DOC, 50K)
- an integrated equality plan template (DOC, 151K) for all protected equality grounds
The Equality Commission can provide further assistance on request, such as where you may wish to develop an equality plan that focuses on any other specific equality ground (such as sex or disability).
Equality plans can also be used to develop plans to promote affirmative and positive action where this is deemed appropriate.
Equality plan sample template
The Equality Commission supports businesses to promote good equality practice and can help you to develop an equality plan for your business.
It has developed a sample equality plan document that you can download and customise for your own needs.
Download the Equality Commission's sample employment equality plan (DOC, 151K).
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Advantages of workplace equality plans
Developing a workplace equality plan can bring a number of benefits to your business.
Having an effective equality plan in place will enable you to coordinate all equality-related work throughout your business. In addition, it will allow you to prepare for upcoming developments in legislation and best practice.
Advantages of having an equality plan
Developing a workplace equality plan can produce a number of business benefits.
It can help you:
- identify gaps and potential problem areas in your business
- raise awareness of your business's commitment to equality
- demonstrate actions undertaken to avoid discrimination in case of tribunal proceedings
- carry out equality training and awareness with employees
- access private investment, public procurement, and funding where commitment to equality of opportunity may be an eligibility factor
Your equality plan will also ensure that you revise your other employment policies eg bullying and harassment and redundancy policies, to ensure they also comply with equality standards.
Developing an equality plan with the Equality Commission
You can receive support from the Equality Commission to develop an equality plan for your business.
By accessing this support, you will also avail of their full range of speciality knowledge, training, guidance, and support and you will be able to work with Equality Commission staff to develop examples of good practice which could be promoted on the Equality Commission website. See equality plans.
Business benefits of an equality plan
Watch the video below of Paul Oakes, Manager of the Advisory Services Team at the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland, who explains how a business can benefit from developing an equality plan.
Paul also details the four steps a business should take when implementing an equality plan and explains how the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland can provide various means of support to businesses.
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How to develop an equality plan
Practical steps to develop a workplace equality plan tailored to the specific needs of your business.
The Equality Commission can help you develop a workplace equality plan that will be tailored to the specific needs of your business.
Your equality plan should provide you with a practical and manageable framework for undertaking all equality work within your business.
Equality planning will also help you to assess what further work you need to undertake to promote good practice and it may also show areas where you need to ensure you meet legal requirements.
Step 1: Review your existing equality practices
When starting to develop your equality plan, you should first review your current employment practices against the Equality Commission's equality indicators. You can find these in the Equality Commission's template equality plan (DOC, 151K).
Reviewing your employment practices will help you determine the extent to which your workplace policies meet current equality legislation requirements and best practices.
You can then develop an equality plan outlining the actions you intend to take to remedy any areas of non-compliance.
Step 2: Draw up an equality plan
Your workplace equality plan should include:
- an outline of how your equality and diversity policy will be implemented - including set dates, how these will be implemented, and by whom
- a flexible structure that can be tailored to your specific needs
- a review of your other employment policies eg recruitment and selection, redundancy, bullying, and harassment
- a way of integrating equality into performance management systems, quality initiatives, and corporate planning processes
- how you will evaluate your success and how and when you will review the overall working of your equality policy
- an ongoing equality training plan for all staff
Step 3: Train staff and promote equality across the workplace
You should establish equality awareness training within your business to support your workplace equality plan. Staff at all levels should be involved in this training.
New employees should receive equal opportunity awareness training as part of their induction process. See preparing for an induction.
The training should show your commitment to the promotion of equality of opportunity and the effective implementation of your equality plan.
Equality training should be ongoing, with an annual update for all employees. See staff training.
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Equality monitoring and review of your business
Monitoring can help you to identify equality issues or problems that affect your employees.
A critical stage in delivering equality in the workplace is to monitor the effectiveness of your equality policy and plan to ensure they are both working in practice.
Monitoring demonstrates your commitment to promoting equality within your business. It can also help you identify equality issues or problems that affect your employees and can help you implement solutions such as alternative policies or practices.
What does equality monitoring involve?
Equality monitoring involves gathering individual information from potential and existing employees at certain times and then comparing and analysing this against other groups of employees in your business or the broader workforce.
You should only collect information that you are going to use.
Ask job applicants for monitoring data on a sheet that can be detached from their application form so that the information can be kept separate from the selection process. It should be made clear that this information will only be used for equality monitoring and not in the short-listing process.
Download a sample monitoring questionnaire for job applicants (DOC, 13K).
To obtain an accurate view of your business you will also need to monitor the existing workforce. Explain your reasons for equality monitoring and make it clear you are only trying to ensure that every employee has the same access to training, promotion, and other opportunities.
Take action on equality processes
If you find some of your equality processes aren't working, you should find out why and take action.
For example, if you find your business is not attracting the number of jobseekers you might expect, you should look at your recruitment and selection procedures. Is one group benefiting at the expense of another?
If it is shown that this is the case, you should take affirmative or positive action, such as:
- encourage more people to apply for posts by considering job-sharing and part-time working
- advertise widely to attract a diverse workforce
- offer work experience opportunities or mentoring for students
For more information on the equality monitoring process, see the Equality Commission guidance on monitoring.
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Get help to review your equality-related workplace policies
How to access help and advice from the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland to develop and improve workplace equality policies.
The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland offers employers free and confidential help to review and get the most from their workplace equality policies.
With many employees taking steps to return to the workplace after months spent working from home, now may be the time to think about reviewing your workplace policies such as those relating to:
- equal opportunities
- harassment
- recruitment and selection
- pregnancy and maternity
- menopause
- flexible working and others
You may even be considering introducing a customer service policy, particularly taking into account those customers and clients with disabilities.
If you’ve made a commitment to equality and diversity in your business, the Equality Commission may be able to help you review your equality policies and provide a free and confidential service to businesses. Many businesses have already made use of this service and some have also availed of free training from the Equality Commission.
How do I make use of the Equality Commission service?
If your business is interested in reviewing its equality-related workplace policies you can contact Paul Oakes, Equality Commission's Advisory Services Team Manager, by emailing
Find out about the support available for employers and service providers from the Equality Commission.
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Implement an equality plan
Creating and updating workplace policies to focus on diversity and inclusion - Greiner Packaging Ltd
Maeve Turbitt, People & Culture Generalist, explains how Greiner Packaging has reviewed existing workplace policies and developed new ones focusing on equality and diversity with the help of the Equality Commission.
Greiner Packaging Limited is a plastic packaging manufacturer and provider of customised packaging solutions specialising in technologies such as thermoforming, injection moulding, and extrusion. Their customer portfolio includes Nestle, Premier Foods, Yeo Valley, and Dale Farm. Based in Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, the organisation is one of four divisions of the Greiner Group, with headquarters in Austria.
Maeve Turbitt, People & Culture Generalist, explains how Greiner Packaging has reviewed existing workplace policies and developed new ones focusing on equality and diversity with the help of the Equality Commission.
“Greiner Packaging has a wide range of workplace policies currently in place that help colleagues understand what is expected of them when working for and representing Greiner. We have over 30 workplace policies that all colleagues are aware of and can consult at any time through the company handbook. We also have policies that relate specifically to equality and diversity in the workplace including our equal opportunities policy and positive work environment policy.”
“We have developed our workplace policies so that colleagues know how they are expected to behave whilst working for and representing Greiner. These policies also ensure we as employers are fair and consistent in our approach to all our people. This process delivers an open and transparent atmosphere, helps us retain staff, and attract the right people to come to work for us.”
Delivering diversity and inclusion through our workplace policies
“We have previously worked with the Equality Commission after attending a number of their employer training events and so became aware of the service they offer to Northern Ireland employers in helping them to review their workplace policies from an equality point of view.”
“We then worked with the Equality Commission to review our equal opportunities policy and positive working environment policy. The Equality Commission helped us to rewrite our policies to ensure that as an organisation, we are committed to creating a friendly and harmonious working environment - free from harassment and bullying and treating every colleague with respect and dignity.”
“After reviewing and rewriting our policies, we reissued them to all our people along with a new code of conduct. This commitment clearly outlines to our workforce our dedication to diversity and inclusion right across the organisation.”
“In conjunction with the Equality Commission, we also delivered training sessions to all our colleagues on diversity and inclusion. We hosted these training sessions both virtually and face-to-face to enable us to reach and educate our entire workforce of over 300 people.”
“By reviewing our workplace policies and having a commitment to delivering diversity and inclusion, it ensures that we provide equal opportunities to all job applicants and helps us to promote a respectful and harmonious working environment for everyone. We have also identified the need to provide a mechanism for workers who believe they have been discriminated against to enable them to raise any matters sensitively through the appropriate procedure.”
Our plans to introduce new workplace policies
“We plan to take a look at introducing a number of new workplace policies that will help support colleagues that are affected by symptoms of menopause. We have just begun this process by looking at the guidance available from the Equality Commission and the Labour Relations Agency. We have also attended one of their joint webinars on the subject of menopause in the workplace. This engagement will help give us the foundation we need to take the steps required to introduce a menopause policy to our organisation.”
“Greiner Packaging has also identified the heartache and stress that miscarriage can bring. We also plan to introduce a workplace policy on miscarriage that will help give any colleague affected by miscarriage the time, space, and support they need during such a traumatic time.”
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