Choose a solicitor for your business

Communicating with your solicitor


Many businesses maintain a relationship with the solicitor they have used from the outset, however, it is important to monitor that relationship to ensure you are getting the right level of advice for the money you are paying.

It's smart to check the range of services that a lawyer offers. They may advise on other areas to save you money. They may be able to give you advice on employment law, for instance, or advise you on the insurance you may need to protect your business in the event of a claim.

As with any business relationship, it's important to monitor how well using a particular solicitor works in terms of cost and efficiency.

You should regularly check whether:

  • the advice you have been given has been useful or successful
  • you believe the solicitor has acted in your best interests
  • the solicitor's rates are in line with their competition
  • there are other legal issues that your solicitor may handle. It may be more time and cost-effective for them to do so, rather than for you to handle them in-house