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Legal advice for businesses


If you are looking for professional legal advice for your business, there are a range of key areas where expert guidance can be beneficial.

Company structure

Establishing the right company structure is a fundamental step in starting your business. You can trade as self-employed, form a partnership, or incorporate a limited company. The choice can affect your business's operations, taxes, and legal duties. See legal structures: the basics.

Business premises

Choosing the proper business premises is a significant decision. It can impact your operations and customer experience. You might lease commercial space or buy property outright. You should negotiate and make sure you understand the lease's terms. See buying business property and renting commercial property.

Contract terms and service levels

Clear contract terms safeguard your interests and help you build strong relationships with customers and suppliers. Understanding your legal obligations to them is important. See how to negotiate the right deal with suppliers and ensure customers pay you on time.

Protecting your business ideas and confirming ownership

Protecting your intellectual property rights is important. It maintains the value of your innovations and prevents unauthorised use. You should also check that you're not infringing the rights of other businesses. See protecting intellectual property.


Starting a business requires understanding the financial aspects, including the legal implications and responsibilities of raising capital. This is especially true when personal assets are involved. For instance, if one's home is at risk as collateral. It also includes managing financial agreements. See business financing options: an overview.

Debt control

Protecting you against bad debts is important. Getting advice on collecting debts is a key aspect of staying financially healthy for any business. You may be dealing with unpaid invoices, loans, or other debts. You should use strategies to control debt and reduce risks. See how to recover debt through court.


Starting a franchise offers entrepreneurs a chance to use established brand recognition and proven business models. However, understanding franchising agreements can be complex. It requires attention to detail and expert legal help. See buy a franchise.

Employment law

Understanding employment law is a key duty for businesses. Following laws helps maintain good employee relations and minimises legal risks. It also fosters a productive work environment. See taking on staff.