BPR - Biocidal Products Regulation



The Biocidal Products Regulation (EU BPR) is a European Union regulation. EU BPR continues to apply in Northern Ireland. 

EU BPR applies if you supply or use biocidal products in the EU market, which includes NI.

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has more information about EU BPR and your role and responsibilities.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in Great Britain also has more information on supplying biocidal products to the NI market.

Information on chemicals under EU BPR

You should regularly check the following annexes and lists to keep up to date with information on chemicals relevant to your business. 

EU BPR Calls for Evidence and Consultations

ECHA organises consultations to get feedback and scientific information for the regulatory process. You can contribute to the following:

Types of consultations 

Northern Ireland Chemical Stakeholder Forum

Planning has started on setting up a Northern Ireland Chemicals Stakeholder Forum. If you would be interested in participating in the forum, please register your interest by emailing chemicals.team@economy-ni.gov.uk.

Further support on EU BPR

Applications for National Authorisation, Mutual Recognition and Simplified Authorisation for Northern Ireland should be made to HSE in GB. Relevant enquiries can be made to HSE by emailing ni.biocides@hse.gov.uk.   

Applications for Union Authorisation and Notification of Simplified Authorisations should be made to ECHA. 

For any other general enquiries about biocides, you can email biocidesenquiries@hse.gov.uk.

The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) also has a role in biocides enforcement. If you have any queries relating to compliance, please send an email to chemicals@hseni.gov.uk.

ECHA also provides a directory of contact points for specific queries on chemicals regulations.

If you need further assistance or have any queries on the guidance on this page please email the Department for the Economy Chemicals Team at chemicals.team@economy-ni.gov.uk.