Providing work experience opportunities

Monitoring the work experience placement


A member of staff should be identified as a point of contact to support, supervise, and mentor the student during their work experience.

This person can also liaise with the student's school or college during the placement.

The work experience placement supervisor should:

  • create a placement plan for the student
  • contact the student prior to placement and let them know where to go on their first day
  • welcome the student and carry out their induction to the company
  • ensure the student is treated as a young adult who is making a valuable contribution to the team
  • be approachable and offer positive feedback
  • be the first point of contact for the student in any instance of absence
  • encourage the student to reflect on what they have learned on a daily basis and how these new skills could enhance their CV
  • where possible, meet with the student at the start and end of each day
  • liaise with the school or college before, during, and after the placement

A teacher or representative from the school or college may want to make a visit during the placement or telephone to discuss how the placement is going and what the student is achieving.

Work experience review meeting

On the last day, where possible you and/or the placement supervisor should meet with the student to discuss their placement.

You may wish to discuss the following:

  • the student's achievements
  • lessons learned
  • how the experience relates to their education and career plans
  • if there are any positions coming up in the company they may be interested in

You will usually be asked to complete a student assessment form. This is a very useful document for the student as it can be used in the future as a CV reference.

Work experience feedback

You may also be asked to complete an employer assessment form for evaluation purposes.

This will allow a critical analysis to be carried out. All suggested recommendations/improvements should be followed up by the school or college.