Providing work experience opportunities
Providing work experience opportunities - Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful (video)
Ian Humphreys, Chief Executive of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, explains how providing work experience opportunities has benefited their organisation.
An environmental charity, Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful campaigns directly to the public to bring about positive changes in behaviour.
Providing work experience opportunities is part of the organisation's ethos and in this video, Ian and Community Development Officer Nicola Murray, talk about how they prepare for new work experience students, tasks that the students get involved in, and challenges and benefits to the business.
In addition, work experience student Alastair Fenn, who has subsequently been employed by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful in the role of Environmental Quality Assurance Officer, describes his experience of Business in the Community's Responsible Internship Programme and the opportunities it provided in helping to progress his career.

Ian Humphreys
keep northern ireland beautiful
Ian's top tips:
- "Decide what you want to get out of the work experience role and plan well in advance."
- "Spend time with and support the work experience student so they understand what they have to do."
- "If the fit with individual and organisation is not right, decide how to best move forward."